Earn Achievement Awards

Earn a surprise reward for hitting milestones and achievements by submitting your results below.

Fast Starter

100 Points

Student completed Fast Start tasks

700 Club

The student has reached 700 credit scores with at least one credit bureau.

800 Club!

The student has reached 800 credit scores with at least one credit bureau.

Credit Limit Increase

Student received a credit limit increase on a personal or business credit card.

Credit Repair Deletion(s)

Student successfully removes a negative mark off credit report(s)

Debt Payoff

Student successfully paid off debt.

Personal Credit Card Approval

Student gets approved for a personal credit card

Travel Hacker

Student uses points/rewards to book a free flight, hotel, or car rental.

New Homeowner

Student successfully qualified and closed on a new home.

New Ride

Student qualified for and purchased a new ride